Helping you find the information you need for a healthy family.


Bed wetting or Nocturnal Enuresis can be a challenging problem for parents and children.  There are many ways to address this problem. Chiropractic is an effective way to help.  Most see an increase in the number of dry nights after just a couple of adjustments.  Sometimes food hypersensitivities play a role in this issue and diet changes can help eliminate bed wetting.   When the spine is subluxated the brain doesn’t have all the information it needs from the body to properly direct actions.  Adjustments to the spine allow for the communication to be corrected.

Autism is referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD and is a developmental disability that can cause a range of mild to severe social, communication and behavioral challenges.  Most people with autism look like other people but their behavior, social skills and communication are markedly different than people without the disorder.  This disorder has a wide presentation of how children are affected by it.   There are many ways to help the children affected by this disorder. Occupational, physical and behavioral therapy have been used for years but Chiropractic and diet are also ways to help children with autism.  The brain is moldable and changeable by the internal and external environment in which it lives.  When the spine is subluxated the body and brain don’t communicate well.  The brain is actually changed by an adjustment.  Diet can have a huge impact on some forms of autism.  At Family Chiropractic & Massage we have seen children go from no interaction to eye contact and engaging with diet changes and adjustments.   A neurological evaluation from a Chiropractor will give an indication of neurological development.  90% of children with delayed development at 6 months of age developed Autism.  Head lag isn’t a diagnosis of autism but the risk is higher and the earlier intervention occurs the better the chances of making change occurs.

Occurence Graph 2018

Family Chiropractic & Massage is here to support families in their personal choice of vaccination.  We want families to be able to choose what is best for their family.  You may have many questions and concerns about this topic.  As you educate and inform yourself so you may make the best choice your child consider these things.

  1. Is my child experiencing and developmental delays?  Having a neurological evaluation from a qualified Chiropractor can answer this question for you. If there are delays a graduated or delayed vaccination schedule is medically indicated.  Studies have shown that 90% of children with Autism had delays by 6 months of age.
  2. Can I answer these 8 questions?
    1. Am I or my child sick right now?
    2. Have I or my child had a bad reaction to a vaccination before?
    3. Do I or my child have a personal or family history of vaccine reactions, neurological disorders, severe allergies or immune system problems?
    4. Do I know the disease and vaccine risks for myself or my child?
    5. Do I have full information about the vaccine’s side effects?
    6. Do I know how to identify and report a vaccine reaction?
    7. Do I know I need to keep a written record, including the vaccine manufacturer’s name and lot number, for all vaccinations?
    8. Do I know I have the right to make an informed choice?

The more you know the better prepared you can be. We are here to help.

Colic affects 10-30% of infants worldwide.  86.3% of cases will end by 3 months of age according to research. But for a parent, an infant with colic this is a living nightmare.  The stress of an inconsolable baby escalates quickly. Sleepless night for both baby and parents decreases the immune system function, leaving the child more prone to allergies and ear infections.   When we sleep the brain goes through a cleaning process, this is hindered when we lose just 4 hours of sleep.  Children can also experience a reduction in growth (height and weight) due to lack of sleep.  There are many studies showing a resolve of colic symptoms with Chiropractic care.  Most studies have shown a reduction of almost 3 hours in just 11 days of Chiropractic Care. Chiropractic is safe and effective for infants.  91% of parents in a retrospective study reported a reduction in the amount the baby was crying.

World Federation of Chiropractic – May  1999; Journal of Pediatric Maternal & Family Health 2016;  J of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation, 1991;7:75-76; Nilsson N   Eur J Chiro 1985;33 (4) :264-65.


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